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 Tupelo Lime is the website for poet and alt-country singer-songwriter Gram Phillips. Gram  was a nominated  2023 finalist in the Nashville Josie Music Awards for both Song of the Year and Songwriter Achievment awards.  In 2024 Gram has been nominated in the European Fair Play Country Music Awards for: Song of the Year, Songwriter of the Year- Male, Americana Original Song, Modern Country Song and Male voice of the Year. Gram tours regularly both solo and as part of the trio Heartworn highway

With elements of  country, blues and folk, Tupelo Lime songs and poems are immersed in the sun drenched sounds of California and the  Appalachian mists. The beating heart of Tupelo Lime is the wonderful mosaic that is the history and landscape of the United States; tales of love and loss, affliction and addiction, heartbreak and joy. Within Tupelo Lime music you can hear influences ranging from Steve Earle to Guy Clark,The Grateful Dead to Leonard Cohen, from Buffalo Springfield to Townes Van Zandt. 


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